shapiroTest <- function(y, ...) { ## This test allows you to easily perform ## the Shapiro-Wilk test of Normality across ## several levels of a grouping variable. ## ## y is the measurement (response variable) ## g is the grouping variable (indep var) ## ## This can be entered as either y,g or as y~g ## v0.98 UseMethod("shapiroTest") } shapiroTest.default = function( y, g=NA, ... ) { res = list(Title="Shapiro-Wilk Test") if([1])) { shapiro.test(y) } else { lev = unique(g) ss = aggregate(y, list(g), length) drp = which( (ss[ ,2])<3 | ss[ ,2]>5000 ) st = function(m) { ww=shapiro.test(m)$p.value*adj ifelse(ww>1,1,ww) } adj = 1; adjust="Bonferroni" ##### if(adjust=="Bonferroni") { adj = length(lev); res$adjustment=paste("Bonferroni (",adj,")",sep="") } if(length(drp)>0) { warning(paste("\tThe following levels have fewer than 3 or greater than 5000 values:", "\n\t",(ss[drp,1]), "\n\tThey have been removed from consideration.",sep="") ) reeN = numeric() reeV = numeric() for( j in 1:length( lev ) ) { ss=length(which(g==lev[j])) if( ss>=3 & ss<=5000 ) { reeN[j] = as.character(lev[j]) reeV[j] = st( y[grp==lev[j]]) } } ree = data.frame(reeN,reeV) } else { ree = aggregate(y, list(g), st) } class(ree[,2]) = "numeric" res$results = ree names(res$results) = c("Level","p.value") res } } shapiroTest.formula = function(formula, na.rm=TRUE, ...) { if (missing(formula) || (length(formula) != 3L)) stop("'formula' missing or incorrect.\nOnly one grouping variable allowed") m <- = FALSE) if (is.matrix(eval(m$data, parent.frame()))) m$data <- m[[1L]] <- quote(model.frame) mf <- eval(m, parent.frame()) if (length(mf) != 2L) stop("'formula' should be of the form response ~ group") DNAME <- paste(names(mf), collapse = " by ") names(mf) <- NULL xx <-"shapiroTest.default", as.list(mf)) xx }