normoverlay <- function(data, na.rm=TRUE, breaks="Sturges", from=NA, to=NA, length=1e4, col="dodgerblue", fill="aliceblue", rug=FALSE, onTop=FALSE, xlab=NA, yaxs="i", main=NA, ... ) { ### Creates a histogram and overlays it with a Normal density. This ### function requires the data. Additional parameters are what to ### do with NA values (na.rm=TRUE) and the breaks for the histogram. ### One may also specify the start and end of the curve (to, from), ### the color of the curve (col), the fill color (fill), and ### whether the curve is on top of the histogram or behind it. ### ### v1.1.1 ### plotHist <- function(hh, col="black", fill="white") { hhmin = min(hh$breaks); hhmax = max(hh$breaks); mult=hh$density[1]/hh$count[1]; lineMargin=0.15*(hh$breaks[2]-hh$breaks[1]) for( i in 1:length(hh$density) ) { rect( hh$breaks[i],0,hh$breaks[i+1],hh$density[i],border=col,col="grey90") if(max(hh$counts)>50) next if(hh$counts[i]<2) next for(k in 2:hh$counts[i]-1) { segments( hh$breaks[i]+lineMargin,k*mult, hh$breaks[i+1]-lineMargin,k*mult, col="white", lwd=2) } } } numna = sum( if( na.rm && numna==1 ) warning(paste("There is one (1) missing value in the data. It was \n\tremoved for the histogram.")) if( na.rm && numna>1 ) warning(paste("There are",numna,"missing values in the data. They \n\twere removed for the histogram.")) if(!na.rm && numna>0 ) stop (paste("There are",numna,"missing values in the data. A \n\thistogram cannot be created.")) x = data if( na.rm==TRUE ) { x = data[ ! ] } tt = hist(x, breaks=breaks, plot=FALSE) if( ) from=min(tt$breaks) if( ) to=max(tt$breaks) xx = seq(from,to,length=length) yy = dnorm(xx, m=mean(x),s=sd(x) ) dataName = deparse(substitute(data)) if( { maintitle=paste("Histogram for",dataName) } else { maintitle=main } if( xlab=dataName ## Begin plotting plot.window( xlim=c(from,to), ylim=c(0,max(tt$density,yy)*1.05),yaxs=yaxs ) abline(h=0) polygon( x=c(xx,rev(xx)), y=c(yy,rep(0,length(xx))), col=fill, border=col) if( onTop ) { # polygon over the histogram plotHist(tt) rug(jitter(x)) if( fill!="" || ) { polygon( x=c(xx,rev(xx)), y=c(yy,rep(0,length(xx))), col=fill, border=col) } else { lines(xx,yy, col=col) } } else { # histogram over the polygon plotHist(tt) lines(xx,yy, col=col) } axis(1); axis(2) title(xlab=xlab ) title(ylab="Relative Frequency") title(main=maintitle) }