binom.plot <- function( x, n=rep(sum(x),length(x)), conf.level=0.95, names=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, xlab=NA, ylab="Proportion", boxcol=NULL, border=NA, midlinecol="black",midlinety=1, ... ) { # Here is a little plotting function that allows you to plot # quasi-barcharts for proportion data. To use it, run it, then # call the function like the examples in this script. # You will need to run it each time you start R if you # want to use it. # # If you forget, you will get an error message saying # Error: could not find function "binom.plot" # g = length(x) if( length(n)!=g ) stop("The lengths of x and n must be the same"); if(length(conf.level)>1) stop("The confidence level needs to be a single value.") if( conf.level<=0.50 || conf.level>=1.00) stop("The confidence level must be between 0.50 and 1.00, exclusive.") if( is.null(boxcol) ) { boxcol="honeydew2" } boxcol = rep(boxcol,g) ucl = numeric() lcl = numeric() for(i in 1:g) { tt=binom.test(x[i],n[i], conf.level=conf.level) lcl[i]=tt$[1] ucl[i]=tt$[2] } if(is.null(xlim)) xlim=c(0.5,g+0.5) if(is.null(ylim)) ylim=c(0,1) plot.window(xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim) if(!is.null(names)) mtext(side=1, at=1:g, text=names) if(is.null(names)) mtext(side=1, at=1:g, text=1:g) axis(2) title(xlab=xlab) title(ylab=ylab) for(i in 1:g) { thisColor = boxcol[i] rect(i-0.15,lcl[i],i+0.15,ucl[i], col=thisColor, border=border) segments(i-0.25,x[i]/n[i],i+0.25,x[i]/n[i], lwd=2, col=midlinecol, lty=midlinety) } }