<- function( conmat=NULL, pwild=NULL, sensitivity=NULL, specificity=NULL ) { ## This function has four parameters: ## conmat is the confusion matrix in canonical form ## pwild is the disease prevalence P[D] ## sensitivity is the test sensitivity P[+ | D] ## specificity is the test specificity P[- |!D] ## ## Canonical form is the first column is Diseased ## counts and the first row is Positive test. ## ## v1.1 ## ## Prepare pdis = acc = fpr = fnr = NULL ## Have a table? if( !is.null(conmat) ) { # Parse the table S = conmat[1,2] T = conmat[2,2] U = conmat[2,1] V = conmat[1,1] sensitivity = V/(U+V) specificity = T/(S+T) acc = (V+T)/sum(conmat) } ## No table if( !is.null(sensitivity) & !is.null(specificity) ) { acc = NULL } # Calculate some accuracy statistics fpr = 1 - specificity fnr = 1 - sensitivity # Prepare to use Bayes Law if( !is.null(pwild) ) { # Calculate P[D|+] num = sensitivity*pwild den = num+( (fpr)*(1-pwild) ) pdis = num/den } # Prepare output as a list res = list(title="Bayes Law Calculator") res$Sensitivity = sensitivity res$Specificity = specificity res$FPR = fpr res$FNR = fnr res$DiseasePrevalence = pwild res$Accuracy = acc res$ConfusionMatrix=conmat res$ProbDiseased = pdis # Return output return(res) }